
“My Father Is Karl” – ELEVEN PARIS –

J’adore mon tee Eleven Paris (French)!

I really love my tee from Eleven Paris (English).

ELEVENPARIS est une marque parisienne de prêt-à-porter présente sur la scène internationale de la mode depuis 2003. Grâce à sa créativité exacerbée et son style ultra-contemporain, la marque a rapidement séduit les exigeants modeux du monde entier.

Les collections Femme, Homme & Accessoires, reposent sur des contrastes bien pensés : esprit minimaliste, références musicales indie, allure sport et inspirations de la saison cohabitent avec justesse au sein d’un vestiaire mixant pièces fortes à des tee-shirts sérigraphiés.

ELEVENPARIS est également connu pour ses campagnes de communication mettant en scène des couples d’égéries rock sous l’objectif de photographes de renom.


ELEVENPARIS is a Parisian prêt-à-porter brand, present on the international fashion scene since 2003. Through its heightened creativity and ultra-contemporary style, the brand rapidly seduced demanding international fashion customers.

Men, Women & Accessories collections, are founded on carefully designed contrasts: minimalist spirit, indie music references, sporty allure and seasonal inspirations work well within a wardrobe combining strong garments with silk screened T-shirts.

It’s about “feeling good in the city and in your clothes”, explains the design studio, « we insatiably travel to the four corners of the globe (and Tumblr…) on a quest for artistic discoveries and new inspirations » This allows the brand to capture the zeitgeist, designing the ELEVENPARIS urban silhouette.

Combining humour, pop culture, rock references and contemporary cool, ELEVENPARIS T-shirts symbolise the brand’s silhouette. Wear them with a nonchalant air, in conjunction with refined items from the collection.

ELEVENPARIS is also renowned for its communication campaigns with photo shoots bringing together iconic rock pairings and big-name photographers.

ELEVENPARIS is available in more than 20 ELEVENPARIS stores in France, one ine Brussels and one in London. The brand has opened a Little ELEVENPARIS store in September 2012. The collection is also alavaible in 650 stores across France and in over 25 countries, across 800 stores. In 2007, ELEVENPARIS launched its online store : www.elevenparis.com


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